Friday, June 29, 2012

It's Hot II

It's hot, real hot....So hot that it's to hot to ride my bike during the day. So when I got off work this morning at 3:15am it was time for a ride.
Helmet, check.
Reflective vest, check.
Headlight on, check.
Taillight on, check.
10.961 miles later I was back home, sweaty and stinky....
There is not much traffic out at that time of day. Bet I only saw maybe 40 cars during my whole ride.
21st and Maize @ 3:45am, NO traffic!

It's Hot

It's hot, real hot.... So hot that the asphalt in the street is softening.... And staying soft all night long....

Putting about 30,000 pounds concentrated in 2 areas about 10 inches square can cause problems. Such as the trailer sinking through the asphalt.
And when that happens you get to call a tow truck, wait an hour and a half for it to show up, 10 minutes for him to pick up the trailer and block it up so you can hook a truck up to it.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Quick Zoo Stop

After a uneventful weekend at the end of our vacation it was back to work. On my monday bike ride I stopped at the zoo while I was close to see how the animals were dealing with the heat today, (104* at posting). Think they had the right idea.....

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hot and Sweaty....

Long hot day, got the sprinkler system rewired today, moved timer from the light pole in the backyard to the garage. Also got the last run of sprinklers glued up and partially buried. It was a long, hot, and sweaty day

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

At the Zoo

We took Kyle to the zoo today, 45 minutes in he said he was hot and ready to go....All the cats were asleep, what a good idea....

Monday, June 18, 2012

Some Vacation

Monday of our vacation and here we are with a trencher working on the last 2 runs of the sprinkler system. One word of advice for anyone thinking of trying this themselves.... DON'T rent the cheap trencher at Home Depot.... It is MANUAL everything, including movement.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Should We Try This Again?

Wow, it's been awhile since I posted here. Maybe I should try and get something going on here again.
Here we go.......

It's Father Day 2012, what did I get you ask....
From Nicole I got a Menards gift car, (toy car is actually a gift card) and a digital tire pressure gauge I asked for.
From Jason I got a Amazon gift car, surely there is something on Amazon I want....
From Nora I got a Sedgwick County Zoo membership, watch for zoo pictures on the blog in the future...
Also got to eat at Olive Garden for dinner and Golden Corral for breakfast, (where else can I get steak and eggs and hashbrowns and sausage and bacon and grits and....and....and....)

Enough for today, Jeff