Monday, July 30, 2012

Bad night (Not Mine)

Some poor driver had a bad night last night...

What I saw from a few miles away

My view for about 40 minutes

There is a tractor under the front of that trailer, it's about
4' tall after burning to the ground.

Crazy Cat Lady's House....

Feeding time

Sarge does not like cameras

Sarge's new rug

Floors revisited

Brandon and Nicole's
floors came out pretty good
with a coat of stain and 4 coats
of finish.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Finished sanding, routing, sanding, cleaning, cleaning
and priming the shelves, drawer fronts and doors 
today for the cabinet in the breezeway

Bad for a workout

Taking a ride for a workout and rode by 
this place at 4am.
The smell is amazing....

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Refinishing floors

Last Saturday we sanded down the oak floors in a couple 
bedrooms at Brandon and Nicole's house. 
A long and tiring day....

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Oklahoma Bar Exam

And the world awaits the results of the
Oklahoma Bar Exam


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Soap in the fountain

Rode downtown early this morning,
someone soaped the waterwall fountain
in front of the Hyatt

This is just a small portion of the suds
in the large fountain

Zoo Stop

Out for a ride today and stopped at the zoo.

I didn't know Zebras ate trees

Intense fishing

Fresh seafood for lunch?

I think it's love

Watching a duck in the moat...

What kind of wine goes with duck?

Such a poser....

Already captioned....

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Riding Along the River

Took a ride downtown along the river.
Geese in the river

WaterWall at the Hyatt

WaterWall at the Hyatt

Momma mallard with her babies

Exploration Place

Low water in the Big Arkansas

Friday, July 13, 2012


Just another week, 
not much to tell,
I've been riding, working on cabinet,working nights.
Working, working, working

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Started on cabinets for the breezeway this week.

Building the cabinets as money allows.
This is the cabinet for the west wall. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Had to have a cat scan today

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Reserved Parking

Received my Reserved Parking 
sign last week. Chose my parking spot
and got sign up last night.

Is over 20 years too long in one place?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Deer in the park....

Out for a ride today and saw this deer out in the distance in a clearing next to the
arboretum. Snapped a couple of shots from the bikepath as he headed in to the 
arboretum and then I headed in myself to see if I could get a closer look in the trees.

I was able to get within about 50 feet as he walked further in to the trees.

He was watching me as I snapped several photos. He finally bolted when
someone else came jogging down one of the paths.


New Bike

                                                    Upgraded my bike this past weekend.

Went from a cheap "mountain" bike to Schwinn "hybrid" bike

Much nicer ride on the asphalt and a different shifter system
make for a more enjoyable ride.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Blowing Stuff Up....

The 4th of July at our house is celebrated on a weekend, usually before the actual holiday due to my work schedule. This year was no different. Had some burgers, brats and hotdogs. Popped off some fireworks. Spent some time with family.