Friday, September 28, 2012


Started recycling a crate from Spirit Aircraft into a shed for the kids house today. By rearranging crate sides, adding rafters and a roof, a large bamboo box becomes a shed for a whole lot less than building a shed from scratch. Still have lots to do on it, closing in the gable ends and seal up the sides between the rafters, build a door, get the roof on, paint...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Something old made new again

Finished recovering the dining room chairs today. It's fun to see the inspection date stamped on the bottom of the seat, "JAN 10 1957"
The old seat covering
Pulling staples to remove old covering

New covering on dining room chair

Stop the Rain...

Okay, I know there is a drought on and Oklahoma really needs the rain but come on....does it have to pour when it's time for me to hook up my set? I had my poncho which kept my upper body dry but the legs of my shorts and shoes and socks got SOAKED. The truck seat got wet because I had to get in and out of the truck several times while hooking up which made for an uncomfortable ride on the way home. And guess when it started raining in soon as I pulled up to the yard and began to unhook...Figures huh?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Back to the Grind

Vacation is over, the lounging around, doing things I don't normally take the time to do. It's all gone... For another 88 days anyway....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Its Official...

Took a day trip to Oklahoma City for Jason's Admission Ceremony.
      It was at the Oklahoma State Capital building in the House Of  Representatives Chambers.
            He was sworn in by the Chief Justice of the Oklahoma Supreme Court.
                  We are so proud of him.

Chamber of the House of Representatives Of Oklahoma
Jason talking with classmate Brooke

Taking the Oath of Attorney

The new Attorney at Law

Jason and Brooke

Nora, Justin and Jason

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


A Staycation is when you are on vacation but you don't go anywhere. We are off this week but getting alot done.

The cars are clean, inside and out.

Misty had to help clean.

 A trip to the zoo after our eye doctor appointment let us enjoy the weather.

 And our vacation is not all work and a little fun......

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Lion King

The traveling production of the Broadway show The Lion King made it's way to Wichita this month. We caught the Saturday matinee. All I can say is WOW.... The actors made the characters come to life, and the costumes BLEW me away. Although I could not take pictures myself I did grab a few outside and a few from the web. Check out the website,

Friday, September 7, 2012


Just got a call from my 
Way to go Jason!!!!
Mom & Dad are proud of you
for passing the Oklahoma BAR exam.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

500 miles

Since getting my new bike on July 1st I have done a lot of riding here and there around the west side of town. Most of that riding has been done early in the mornings after work, some was midday after I got up, and a little in the evenings when I have not had to work. During today's ride I passed a milestone, 500 miles. Maybe I should celebrate with a cake.... Does that defeat the whole purpose of trying to get in shape?

505.53 miles of sweat, achy knees and a sore butt.
But I do feel stronger

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Downtown Art

Took off for downtown today on my ride, lots of art on the sidewalks. Here are a few.

It got cool inside...

I have been wanting a air conditioner for the garage for a long time.
Target finally had a window unit the right size at the right price at the right time.
With rain headed toward us this morning I skipped my bike ride and put in the A/C.
I need to do some additional work blocking the sides in and underneath, BUT HEY,
I can make the parts I need in comfort.... ; )