Thursday, October 4, 2012

Why I'm a Carpenter NOT a Mechanic...

Nora lost the water pump on the Outlook Monday, I spent Tuesday looking to make sure thats what was wrong, looking for a repair manual, and starting to take it apart. While looking online to find out which way to get to it I saw where someone had posted their dealer wanted $700 to replace their water pump. OUCH!
It only took me about 4 hours of actual work and $130 in parts to change it out, thats labor of $142.50 an hour. I don't like working on cars but for that kind of labor rate I have to. It was not easy to get to as the pictures show, but I got it done.

The new water pump.
Had to take out the inner fender well and work from underneath. 
The frame was only 1 1/2" from the face of the pulley leaving very little room to work.
Lying on my back under the Outlook I could see the water pump, a lot of the time I was working by feel alone.

 Carpenter work is a lot more fun.....